About me

Hand embroidery is a medium to relax, express creativity, boost confidence, and enhance mindfulness and concentration.

Hi, I’m Tatjana!

Marketing manager by education. A serial crafter and hand embroidery enthusiast by calling.
Lithuanian, living in Italy.

I learned my first embroidery stitches at the edge of 10. My mother and grandmother taught me to sew, quilt, weave, knit, crochet, and sown the seeds of creativity in me.

Tatjana Iljaseviciute

Artist, hand embroidery teacher, and pattern creator

Fabrics and threads for hand embroidery
Green embroidered bird card

After graduating in Business and Marketing, I pursued a career in the business field. Still, my head was always full of creative ideas, and my hands were always busy with a craft.

In 2018 I graduated from Istituto Moda Sgrigna in Rome, Italy, where I learned hand embroidery applications in the fashion industry and enhanced my hand embroidery skills.

Since then, I’ve been creating hand embroidery patterns, teaching classes, and sharing my passion and love for this craft with my students and fellow embroiderers.